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ID AN00181569-20020300-1010
アイテムタイプ Article
本文 AN00181569-20020300-0010.pdf
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タイトル A Research related to the Electoral Change in Contemporary Japan
Juichi AIBA (Juichi aiba)
出版地 奈良
出版者 奈良大学
奈良大学紀要 (Memoirs of the Nara University). Vol.30号, (2002. 03) ,p.145- 157
抄録 Two motives have combined to make us write a paper on recent electoral change. One is to round off the substances of research that have so far delivered the public lectures on election and voting behavior at each place. One more is to reexamine the voting behavior seen in the recent elections from the sociological point of view. Through the national and local elections carried out for the last decade, a considerable change has come on the attitude and behavior of the eligible voters, which is a matter worth to be considered as a subject of political sociology.
The primary purpose of this paper is to throw light upon the relations between the collapse of the "political system of 1955" and the change in voting
behavior. As for the process of this collapse, it is needless to say that the intense change in the political situation has influenced strongly. But, it can't be overlooked how a change in the voters' party choice has been concerned with the process at the same time. Then, we follow the transformation of turnout while inquiring into the trend of voting behavior. Turnout is closely related with the legitimacy of a parliamentary government. By the way, turnout had declined after around 1990, but a brake was applied to that declining trend. What can be the reason? What will happen hereafter? Furthermore, it is worth noting that the nonpartisan
strata of voters are the power whose behavior would decide the election
results. They seem to be more than half the electorate. We compare them with
Independents in America in order to make their behavioral trait clear . Added to this, we place the focus on voting trend of the youth and gender, who are central to the nonpartisans. Lastly, we would like to make some suggestions regarding the nonvoting while examining a change in the standard for judgment of the eligible
voters from the viewpoint of rational choice.
資源タイプ text
ジャンル Departmental Bulletin Paper
/ Public / 奈良大学紀要 / 30号